If you are in the Louisville area, come visit us in person at our new retail location at 115 E Main St, La Grange KY 40031-1205. The email office@judithm.com and phone number 260-499-4407 remain the same. Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm, or by apt.
Welcome to JudithM.com millinery supply house. Established in 1994, we serve independent milliners, hat shops, theatres, schools, students, costume groups, and aspiring hat makers everywhere. We will work with you to find the best fit of quality hat supplies for your working stock.

Welcome to JudithM.com Millinery Supply. Established in 1994, we are a wholesale house for hat-making supplies serving independent milliners, hat shops, theatres, schools, students, costume groups, and aspiring hat makers everywhere. We will work with you to find the best fit of quality hat supplies for your working stock.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.

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We are here to help! If you have questions or comments we would love to hear from you.